0191 2142459 info@pure-pm.com

For Brokers & Packagers



Personalised service for brokers and packagers

The economic argument is compelling – so too is the emotive one.
Because we speed up your process, you have happier clients.
Of course, it also helps that you will free up vital internal resources to do
whatever you need to make your business even more successful.

On your behalf we will –  

  •  Source a suitably qualified and approved valuer.

  • Check access details and liaise with the applicant where necessary.

  • Chase at every stage to ensure SLA deadlines are adhered to.

  • Ensure that the report, including photographs where required,
    is  returned within the timescale agreed.

  • Prepare a single invoice to you on a monthly basis for all valuations (subject to status and signed credit agreement) with a statement detailing all transactions.

  • Act as a central liaison point with yourself, the lender and the valuer in the event of a post valuation query.